Payton's Promise Application Form

Everyone always says growing up your sibling will become your best friend as an adult. Growing up, I thought they were crazy. Today, I look back and I can still hear my Mamaw telling me that just as plain as day and I can only think how she would laugh when looked at us and said "See, I told you so.". My sister is my best friend, my shoulder to cry on, my sounding board, partner in crime, you name it. I don't know what I would do without her. She is there for me through the best of it and the worst of it. 

Lori and her husband Bradley were married in June of 2020. Nothing started easily for them due to the COVID pandemic. They were forced to push their wedding back due to restrictions, and change all their plans. Shortly after their wedding, they found out they were expecting a little one. We could not be more excited. There hadn't been a baby in the family in a long time and we couldn't wait. Fast forward to the 20 week ultrasound. Lori and Bradley went in with expectations of finding out what they were having, but little did they know what should have been an exciting time turned out to be full of heart break. Lori didn't call me after her appointment, but text and asked me to come over to talk. I knew something was wrong but went over like she asked. My parents were there as well. She wanted to tell us they found out they were having a little girl, however she had a neural tube defect called Anencephaly. She was given three options as it was terminal and the baby would not be able to live. Lori and Bradley chose to continue the pregnancy in hopes the baby would grow to be big enough they could donate organs to other babies who were on the organ transplant list. The next sixteen weeks were the longest and hardest weeks as I had to watch my sister try to pretend to be okay when I knew she wasn't. She should have been planning for a happy time, but instead was trying to get everything together for organ donation and an infant funeral. 

The day came she was induced and Payton Jolene was born. She was beautiful and perfect. She passed away shortly before she delivered via C-Section on March 14, 2021. The doctors said in his years of delivering babies, he has only seen maybe three cases of this and he has no clue why this happened. 

The outpouring love and support from people around us and people we didn't even know has inspired me with my sister's permission to continue to offer something to parents of stillborn babies to help them cope and know that we understand how hard this is. No Amount of thoughts and prayers will make this any easier, but just know we are thinking of you and want you to know we fully support you. I want you to have something to remember your little one. 

Each gift package will contain one shirt for the mother and father as well as a 20oz tumbler for each with the infants name and birthday on it.  

To request a gift box from Payton's Promise, please complete the request form at the link below. Once your request has been received, we will review your request and notify you if you have been selected. Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to fill all requests. If you would like to donate a box in memory of a loved one, please contact us at 

You can also purchase an box and send using the product card shown below.

*To add your baby or a baby of a loved one to the memorial wall, please send their name and date of birth to*